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Online Statements

Whether you are tracking your activity or searching your Online Statement, it is all in one convenient, safe place.

Reasons to choose paperless:


Choose when to manage and check on your statements.


Safeguard your financial data for extra peace of mind, and prevent mail theft when you access your statements online.


Clean up the clutter and eliminate paper waste.

Ready to get started?

Answers to the top questions

How do I view my Online Statements?

Your Online Statements will be available from the View Online Statement link on your Transaction Details page.

If I enroll in Online Statements, will my previous statements be available to view online?

Yes. Up to 18 months of statements are available online for viewing.

Do Online Statements have all the same information as paper statements?

Yes. They contain all of the same account information as your paper statements.

What are the benefits of Online Statements?

Online Statements help you:

Are Online Statements secure?

Yes. They are accessed securely via Credit Card Online Account Access.

What is the difference between "Online Statements" and "Online Statements Only"?

"Online Statement" refers to the electronic, PDF version of your account statement found online within Credit Card Online Account Access. "Online Statements Only" is an account feature you can enroll for within Credit Card Online Account Access. When you enroll for Online Statements Only, you will stop receiving your paper statement, and receive your statement online only. You will also receive an Online Statement Account Alert each time you have a new Online Statement available.

Do Online Statements cost anything?

If I get Online Statements, will I still get paper statements?

You automatically receive both paper statements and Online Statements. Unless you enroll in Online Statements Only, which means you have opted to no longer receive paper statements.

How do I enroll in Online Statements Only and discontinue paper statements?

To enroll, log in to Online Account Access, select the Online Statements link on the “Transactions Details” page and follow the enrollment steps.

What software do I need to access Online Statements?

Online Statements are viewable electronically in Portable Document Format (PDF). You will need Adobe ® Acrobat Reader software. Online Statements can be viewed, saved to your computer or printed at your convenience using this software.

When will I begin receiving my Online Statements after enrolling in Online Statements Only?

You automatically receive Online Statements and you will continue to receive them with every account cycle if you discontinue paper statements.

When is my Online Statement available?

Online Statements will be available at the same frequency as paper statements.

How will I know when my Online Statement is available?

An email or text message will be sent to the address you specify. A message will also be sent to Secure Messages in Online Account Access each time you have a new statement available for viewing.

What is Secure Messages?

Secure Messages is home to important messages regarding your accounts. To access, log in to your account and select “Messages” in the top right corner. From there you can send and receive Secure Messages.

How do I view my Online Statements?

Your Online Statements will be available from the View Online Statement link on your Transaction Details page.

How do I print my Online Statements?

To print an Online Statement, use your browser's print function at the top of the window where your statement appears.

How do I save my Online Statements?

Your Online Statements will be delivered electronically in PDF format and presented in Adobe ® Acrobat Reader. To save a statement, simply select the "Save a Copy" icon in the tool bar and select a location on your hard drive to save the statement. Once you have determined the location, choose a file name for the statement you are saving and select the "Save" button.

How can I make a payment to my credit card account?

You can choose one of the following payment options:

What is the E-sign Act?

The E-sign Act allows financial institutions to provide customers' disclosures electronically. Customers must affirmatively consent to receiving disclosures electronically, be provided information regarding software requirements for access to and retention of electronic disclosures and be informed of the procedures for withdrawing consent.

What are the terms of use for receiving Online Statements?

Refer to our Online Statement and Alert Delivery Agreement for complete information regarding terms of use for receiving Online Statements.

How do I order copies of older statements (no longer online) to be mailed to me?

You can order copies of past statements online through the Cardmember Service section, by selecting "Request Copies of Statements." You may be charged a fee for this service. You will be notified of the fee amount prior to submitting your request online.

If I am enrolled in Online Statements Only, how do I start receiving paper statements again?

Call the Cardmember Service number on the back of your card for assistance. You can begin to receive paper statements again in addition to your Online Statements. You will retain access to your previous Online Statements, as well as continue to receive Online Statement Account Alerts.

What happens if my account receiving Online Statements is closed?

You will receive a final paper statement in the mail. You will no longer have access to your Online Statements.

Will the promotional and marketing materials in my paper statement come with my Online Statement?

Yes. The statement inserts from your current month's statement will be available online on the Credit Card Statements page for your account.

Why did I receive a paper statement for my account when I was previously receiving Online Statements Only?

A paper statement may be sent if one or more of the following has occurred:

Have additional questions?

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