Raise the Bar: Mental Health and Wellbeing


When students feel connected to school, their mental health and academic performance improve; however, the consequences of the pandemic—social isolation, illness, and family hardship among them—have led to decreased feelings of connectedness for students. For example, approximately 1 in 3 high school students have experienced poor mental health amid the pandemic, and rates of poor mental health have been higher for historically marginalized groups of students. For students to thrive in school, they need a strong foundation of overall wellness.

Our Strategies:

The Department is committed to working with parents, families, educators, and others to meet students’ mental health needs. We are assisting state and local leaders to grow the knowledge and skills of professionals currently in schools, expand the supply of mental health professionals who work with students in schools, and increase access to funding through the Medicaid program to support school health services, including mental health services. Robust investments and strategic action in the areas below represent key levers to address the youth mental health crisis.

Increasing the Supply and Capacity of School-Based Mental Health Providers:

Personnel shortages are among the leading factors that limit schools' ability to effectively provide mental health services to students. Many schools do not meet recommended ratios for psychologists to students (500:1) or counselors to students (250:1). During the 2023-24 school year, 59% of school districts indicated they had insufficient mental health professional staff coverage to manage their caseload. At the same time, with the help of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds and previous rounds of pandemic relief dollars, the number of mental health professionals working in schools has increased significantly relative to the pre-pandemic period. In the infographic below, vacancies reflect shortages as well as new efforts by districts to hire these staff.

School-based Mental Health Professionals as of April 2024
(download data as a spreadsheet)

To meet President Biden's goal of doubling the amount of mental health professionals in schools, the Department will continue to assist states so they may recruit and retain these vital school staff members and offer professional development for teachers around trauma-informed and other mental health practices. The Department has awarded $286 million to date across 264 grantees in 48 states and the District of Columbia to support mental health services in schools—investments that are estimated to support more than 14,000 new mental health professionals in schools in the coming years.

This work is necessary when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has conveyed alarming findings regarding the prevalence of mental health or substance use disorders among our nation’s youth. These findings support the critical need for schools to expand school-based services and to connect youth and families to community-based sources of care.

Simply put, schools are a gateway to needed services that otherwise might be inaccessible for many young people. Community health centers are part of the solution. These centers provide comprehensive primary-care services, and many are located in our nation’s schools and facilitate access to essential services for both students and other members of the community. Roughly 50 percent of school-based health centers are supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The map below demonstrates the significant variation in the number of HRSA-funded school-based health sites per 100 Title I schools. The table that follows shows that the number of these centers has increased significantly in many states.

HRSA Funded Health Center School-Based Sites
(download data as a spreadsheet)

The Department also will continue to provide guidance, oversight, and technical assistance to states to implement efforts supported by $2 billion in funding through Stronger Connections grants, the School-Based Mental Health Services program, and the Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration program under the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. More information about these programs is provided below.

Increasing Access to Reimbursement for School-Based Health Services:

Medicaid funding can be leveraged to provide crucial health and mental health services at schools. The Department of Education is collaborating with the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services to increase access to school-based health services by assisting state educational agencies and local educational agencies to maximize the benefits of the Medicaid program by providing health and mental health services at school to Medicaid-enrolled children. The Department has created a resource for states to understand the value of accessing Medicaid dollars and how to get started.

The Departments released a technical assistance guide on Medicaid school-based services to help schools work with their Medicaid agencies. The Departments also established a technical assistance center to help states shape policies that allow them to financially sustain essential health and mental health services.

Sampling of ARP Funding Highlights: