Consequences of Not Having a Partnership Agreement

Partnership Agreement

Entering into a partnership business is indeed exciting since it combines various skills, assets, resources, vision, and ideas that will propel one toward success. However, amid the excitement of opening a new company, most of the partners usually forget an essential ingredient in doing business, that is a Partnership Agreement.

A good and well-drafted Partnership Agreement, to a great extent, sets up clear expectations, defining roles and responsibilities. It offers a well-built framework for the Dispute Resolution in case the dispute arises. The partnership agreement is known for its legally binding nature. In case of partner disputes, registered partnership firms have legal recourse.

The absence of such an agreement may cause a variety of issues, holding the potential to endanger the very survival of the business at times. In this blog, we will reflect on the implications of the absence of a Partnership Agreement and underline why it is an important document for any business collaboration.

Meaning of Partnership Agreement in Brief

Before we get into the consequences of business not having a Partnership Agreement, let us first understand the term “Partnership Agreement”. A Partnership Deed is a legally binding document that defines the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of each partner towards the business. It usually addresses the following issues:

Exploring the Consequences of Not Having a Partnership Agreement

The consequences of a business not having a Partnership Agreement are as follows:

Unclear Roles and Responsibilities:

One of the most immediate consequences of a Partnership Agreement lacking is the failure to stipulate roles and provide a general description of each partner’s responsibilities. In the absence of the Partnership Agreement, clear baseline expectations of what contribution and role are expected from the partners are missing, leading to confusion and frustration among them.

For instance, one partner in a marketing firm assumes that he is responsible for the role of client acquisition. On the other hand, the second partner believes that it is their role to attract clients. This lack of clarity arises due to the lack of a formal partnership agreement that clearly defines the roles of each partner of the business.

This type of misunderstanding between the partners may lead to missed opportunities, which ultimately will have an effect on the development and profitability of the business.

Disputes Related to Profit Sharing:

How profits and losses incurred by the business will be shared is the most crucial part of any partnership. There might be various expectations of the partners regarding their profit share in the business. Therefore, in case the terms related to profit sharing are not agreed upon, it will ultimately pave the way to disputes.

For instance: in a tech startup, partner A may feel s/he should have greater profit sharing because they contributed more capital. In contrast, partner B may feel that they should enjoy an equal profit-sharing basis due to the significant contribution in developing the product. This can foster feelings of resentment and hence destroy the spirit of cooperation that is essential to the success of the startup.

Decision-Making Deadlocks:

Decision-making plays a crucial role in the smooth functioning of the business. Without a Partnership Agreement, there are no established terms for decisions, leading to deadlocks, especially in a 50/50 Partnership.

For Instance, in a restaurant business, decisions to change menus, pricing, or expansion plans would not move forward if partners disagreed. Such deadlocks may delay many vital business moves and result in a loss of competitive edge.

Inability to Resolve Disputes:

Differences of any sort are inevitable in any partnership. Still, in the absence of a well-defined and pre-determined mechanism for dispute resolution, these differences can lead to major conflicts, escalating to higher levels and ultimately leading to legal battles.

For instance, in an advertising agency, partners can differ regarding strategy and how the business should be taken forward. If there is no formal Partnership Agreement laying down procedures for dispute resolution, they might end up involved in a protracted, pointless, and comparatively expensive legal battle at the cost of focus and resources diverted away from business operations.

Issues Pertaining to Capital Contribution:

Partners may have different capacities and willingness to contribute more capital as time goes on, and without a Partnership Agreement, there will be no clear guideline on how additional capital requirements should be managed.

For instance: In a retail business, if more money is required in order to expand the business, Partner A may be wanting to invest more capital, but Partner B may not be able or willing to contribute. This can result in disputes and hamper the growth plans of the business.

Unclear Exit Plan:

Partners may leave the business for various reasons, such as retirement, personal reasons, or conflicts. Therefore, without a Partnership Agreement, the procedure for exit will remain unclear, which can result in uncertainty and dispute.

For Instance, in a consultancy firm, if Partner A decides to retire, in the absence of an exit strategy, the remaining partners will be confused as to how their shares have to be valued and transferred, leading to potential disputes that could affect the firm’s stability.

Legal and Financial Risks:

A company functioning without a Partnership Agreement takes significant legal and financial risks. This can lead to disputes over responsibilities, profit sharing, and other issues that lead to litigation, ultimately draining resources and damaging the business’s reputation.

For Instance: A dispute or disagreement in a construction business about managing a significant project can end up in a legal battle, consuming valuable time and financial resources which would have been better spent on growing the business.

Impact on Business Relationships:

The lack of a clearly defined framework strains the relationships between partners and eventually leads to mistrust and a bad working environment. It could also affect the morale of the employees and, subsequently, the health of the business itself.

For Instance, Ongoing recurring conflict in a design firm about a partner’s creative vision or control can cause tension in the atmosphere that will impact not only their relationship but also their employees’ productivity and morale.

Inability to Attract Investors:

Investors seek stability and clear governance structures in the businesses they invest in. The lack of a Partnership Agreement can signal a red flag to potential investors, scaring them away and making raising funds for the business difficult.

For Instance, in a biotech startup, if there is no clear agreement on how the company will be governed or how decisions will be made, potential investors might be wary of investing because they fear possible future conflicts may jeopardise their investment.

Loss of Business Opportunities:

A company without clearly defined roles and decision-making processes may lose opportunities due to insignificant delays and insufficiencies. It will hamper growth and allow competitors to gain an advantage.

For Instance, in a digital marketing agency, internal conflicts about new service offerings or entering new markets may lead to missed opportunities, which in turn will benefit competitors as they smoothly capture further market share.


Not having a Partnership Agreement exposes businesses to numerous risks, which include unclear roles, profit-sharing-related disputes, decision-making deadlocks and legal battles. Such issues can strain relationships, deter investors, and hinder growth.

A comprehensive Partnership Agreement is vital for setting clear expectations, resolving conflicts, and ensuring the smooth operation of the business. Hence, by proactively creating and adhering to a Partnership Agreement, partners can safeguard their business interests, foster a positive working environment and focus on achieving their shared goals and vision, ultimately paving the way for a successful and enduring partnership.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Partnership Agreement?

A Partnership Agreement is a legally binding document that defines each partner’s rights, responsibilities, and obligations toward the business. It typically covers areas such as capital contributions, profit and loss distribution, roles and responsibilities, dispute resolution, and exit strategies.

What happens if partners have unclear roles and responsibilities?

Without a Partnership Agreement defining roles, partners can be confused and frustrated. This can lead to misunderstandings and missed opportunities and ultimately affect the development and profitability of the business.

How can the absence of a Partnership Agreement affect profit sharing?

Without agreed-upon terms for profit sharing, disputes can arise. Partners may have different expectations about their share based on various factors like capital contribution or work input, which can lead to resentment and damage cooperation.

What is a decision-making deadlock, and how does it occur?

A decision-making deadlock occurs when partners cannot agree on important business decisions, especially in a 50/50 partnership. Without established terms on how decisions will be made, this can delay vital business moves and result in a loss of competitive edge.

How does the lack of a Partnership Agreement affect dispute resolution?

Without a pre-determined mechanism for dispute resolution, differences between partners can escalate into major conflicts. This can lead to legal battles, diverting focus and resources away from business operations.

Why is an exit plan important in a Partnership Agreement?

An exit plan clarifies the procedure for a partner to leave the business due to retirement, personal reasons, or conflicts. Without this, there can be uncertainty and disputes over how a departing partner’s share should be valued and transferred.

How can the absence of a Partnership Agreement affect potential investors?

Investors seek stability and clear governance structures. The lack of a Partnership Agreement can be a red flag for potential investors, making raising funds for the business difficult.