Returnable Containers

GST/HST Technical Information Bulletin B-089
April 2002 This bulletin does not replace the law found in the Excise Tax Act and its Regulations. It is provided for your reference. As it may not completely address your particular operation, you may wish to refer to the Act or appropriate Regulation or contact any Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) tax services office for additional information. If you are located in the Province of Quebec, please contact the Ministère du Revenu du Québec (MRQ) for additional information. This bulletin reflects amendments proposed to the Excise Tax Act contained in the Notice of Ways and Means Motion tabled on February 8, 2002. At the time of publication, Parliament has not enacted these proposed amendments. Any commentary should not be taken as a statement by the CCRA that such amendments will in fact be enacted into law in their current form. Reference in this publication is made to supplies taxable at 7% or 15% (the rate of the HST). The 15% HST applies to supplies made in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland and Labrador (the “participating” provinces). If a person is uncertain as to whether the supply is made in a participating province, the person may refer to Technical Information Bulletin B-078, Place of Supply Rules under the HST, available from any CCRA tax services office.

Table of Contents